4 Tips to Build & Maintain A Positive Company Culture

As a CEO or small business owner, we know you have a never ending pile of things to do. Your job requires you to be an expert at prioritization, and often, the tasks that aren't begging for attention get put on your "someday" to-do list. Building a positive company culture is often one of those things. Building a culture sounds abstract, but there are tangible steps you can take to shape a workplace environment that will help you not only recruit the right people, but also bring out the best in your existing staff. The following 4 tips will get you started on the right track.

1. Get intentional with your "why"

What is important to you in your business? What are you trying to achieve? What do you want your company to be known for? Think beyond your sales figures or expansion goals. Think about the people working for you and the people you're trying to reach. If you aren't clear on your purpose or values, it's going to be impossible to move forward with clarity. Your values and your mission statement should be in alignment. 

  • Example: Google operates on "ten things" they know to be true. These ten things shape their decision-making processes and the standards they hold themselves to every single day.

2. Clearly communicate your values

Knowing your values is one thing, but making these values clear to all is another! Everyone working for or with you should know what you're about. This creates a unified standard for performance and behavior. When it comes down to it, everyone wants to do a good job. Often what stands in the way is not lack of motivation or ability... it's unclear expectations. Until you make your expectations known, no one will ever meet your standards.

3. Give consistent feedback

Now that you and your employees are both clear on your company values, you can begin to assess performance with regard to your values. Feedback can be given in a variety of ways. You might enjoy giving formal performance reviews, engaging in goal-setting conversations, or tracking measurable aspects of employee performance. The method you use is not as important as your feedback being consistent, timely, and personal.  

4. Focus on the team

Humans are evolutionarily programmed to belong to a tribe. We are happier and more productive when we are part of a team. Why? It's simple. We all like to feel important. You will be able to leverage your human capital at a higher level if your employees feel known and valued. Plan and participate in team-building events for your staff and see what a difference it makes. 

I know. It's a lot, right? Don't worry, we can helpContact The HR DOC for guidance and assistance with the analysis and evaluation of your company culture. Or, set up a FREE consultation today.


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